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Pastor Jim Scagnelli
Jim has been in Christian ministry for more than twenty years. He started as a youth leader at Hammonton Assembly of God in 2000. There he acquired the nickname "South Jersey's Game Master" and was often asked to serve at district youth events as MC of games. Jim then became youth and men's pastor at Port Elizabeth UMC in 2003. Along with Brenda, Adrian and Jeanette, Jim led kick ball at the MRT Elementary School, trips to AC Rescue Mission, bowling trips and all-nighters at the John Boggs Hall, UMC Youth Weekend in Ocean City, Christmas shopping to Hamilton Mall, and strawberry picking and selling for fund raising. In 2005 he was appointed Pastor of the Buckshutem and Port Norris UMC parish. In 2006 Jim joined his good friends Rev. John Allegri and Rev. Jamie Hargrove at the Port Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene where he served as associate Pastor for more than eight years. Together Jim and Rev. John Allegri led Victory Men's Fellowship from 2000 to 2010. While at the Nazarene Church Jim took part in yearly weeklong revival services held outdoors in the Bob Barnhart Glory Barn. Jim also produced and was the announcer for the Word of Holiness a weekly radio program which aired on several South Jersey stations for more than five years featuring audio sermons from John, Jamie, and Jim. Jim is thrilled and blessed to have been appointed Pastor of Port Elizabeth UMC and Cumberland churches. He looks forward to seeing the great things God will do as he leads and serves these two congregations.
Please join us every Sunday on Facebook Live for morning worship.
Our worship service begins at 11:00 am every Sunday morning.
"In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
1 Peter 1:3

from Brian Roberts our former District Superintendent via GNJUMC News
This is our Cluster of Churches.
Collaboration with cluster churches amplifies impact in the Cape Atlantic District
Rev. Tom Novack, now serving Asbury UMC in Egg Harbor Twp, learned that lesson first-hand. In 2022, as the shadows of COVID were beginning to lift, Dorchester UMC wondered how they might get VBS started again. The Holy Spirit struck with fresh inspiration, and they asked themselves a wild and wonderful question “What if we asked the whole cluster to be a part of this?” Dorchester UMC was part of a cluster of churches that gathered for hymn sings throughout the year, but the hymn sings paused during the summer months. Pastor Tom and the members of Dorchester UMC thought that VBS might be the thing to energize their ministry in the summer months. They put out a call for their sister churches to rally around VBS, and the churches answered that call.
Together they a beautiful VBS program that was more vibrant than anything they could have made on their own. They hosted VBS in the local town hall and 60 kids from the community attended. The theme for that year was Jerusalem Marketplace, together members of different churches collected 9 different tents, that were arranged in the hall to make like alleyways and a little marketplace square. It made the experience really immersive and fun for the students who were able to visit the different shops through the course of the week.
Connectionalism paved the way for strong support. One church in the cluster, had only 20 people in worship, but there was someone who was passionate about leading outdoor activities. Another church stepped in to say “Oh, we’ll take care of all the snacks and refreshments. [PEUMC Hospitality Committee] Another church had a volunteer who really loved telling Bible stories to children.
People from 7 different churches in the cluster stepped up into active leadership, and the other churches participated by donating food and supplies. Pastor Tom Novack reflected “No one church could have done it by themselves. To see that come together was so exciting.”
The collaborative VBS program is now in its third year of ministry. These churches are creating a beautiful opportunity for children to encounter Jesus, not only in the stories and games, but also through the eyes and hearts of the volunteers who lead the ministry. They’re also raising up a new generation of leaders, as youth and young adult volunteers share their gifts and lead students throughout the week.
Together this cluster of churches is making a difference in the lives of young people in their community. Together they have built something far greater than they could have accomplished on their own. Pastor Tom Novack proclaimed, “We are ‘United’ Methodists. We should be doing things together. When we come together it’s amazing what can be done.”
Indeed, we are United Methodists. We are stronger when we work together. When we share decorations with each other, when we plan and lead together, we have a bigger impact, and frankly, have more fun.
This story is ongoing. These stories are just two among many. If you have a story about collaborative VBS in your community that you’d like to share, please send it along with any photos to sborgstromlee@epaumc.church.
COMING SOON. Our teachers are all Safe Sanctuary Certified.
Sunday 11:00 am (Church & Facebook Live)
11:00 am Wednesday (John Boggs Hall)

Port Elizabeth United Methodist Church has a special place in southern New Jersey’s Methodist history. The fact that Bishop Francis Asbury visited three times and set in motion plans for an educational academy built later on the grounds gives proof to its expanding ministry and importance to Methodist work in the area. Port Elizabeth’s spiritual heritage through the years includes a famous 1869 revival and strong temperance stand in 1884.

For our children and youth in the community, every summer our Vacation Bible School program is a place to go. One week from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the evening children and youth come for Christian learning, games, crafts, plays, and a hot meal. We hope to be bringing VBS back soon.

Want to know more about the outreach programs we have that benefit our local community and global brothers and sisters in Christ?
Click below to find out how to get involved with and support our MRT School Supply or H.O.P.E MInistries.
"To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world"
Our vision of the Church is "Upreach, Inreach, Outreach, until JESUS shines through us all."
Our congregation loves God and cares for one another. We share in each other’s joys and provide mutual support and prayers during tough times. We reach up to God, reach in feeding our spiritual selves and working with our God given gifts, and reach out to our friends and neighbors both near and far.