Port Elizabeth UMW Officers
and Contacts:
Lou Hyson
Grace Rapp
Elaine Rankin
How to Join?
Any woman is invited to join UMW. You don’t have to be a member of Port
Elizabeth UMC to attend or join UMW. To join, all you have to do is agree with
our Purpose and attend meetings and or participate in our activities and events.
You can find information on meeting times and locations on this website. For
additional information on joining or questions about activities and events, please contact Lou Hyson (856-327-1615) or Grace Rapp ( 856-364-1963).
We look forward to getting to know you and welcome you to UMW!
What does it mean to be a member?
A member of UMW is any woman who commits herself to the PURPOSE and
chooses to participate in prayer, giving, study, action and/or service. The
organization celebrates a diverse and inclusive membership and welcomes all
women who want to be members. We are a community of women who nurture
and encourage one another in our spiritual growth and personal development. Over one million women have said yes to membership in UMW.
Why become a member?
Being a member in UMW offers many advantages and opportunity for personal and spiritual growth, including:
• Friendship
• Education
• Resources that nurture growth, inform and stimulate
• Provides an avenue for being involved and in being an advocate for women, children and youth.
• Opportunities for a variety of ways to serve or volunteer within the church
and community.
• Members raise approximately $20 million a year for programs and projects
related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than
100 countries around the world.