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Health & Wellness Ministry HWM


HWM/Health and Wellness Ministry at Port Elizabeth United Methodist Church/PEUMC is for our congregation and community. There is benefit from both education and resources related to a variety of spiritual, health and wellness topics. We can learn to take better care of our own mind, body, and spirit so we can experience and understand how to "love our neighbors as ourselves." With a dedicated HWM Team, our goal is to share our God-given talents, REACHOUT, and connect with established community efforts to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, shelter the homeless.

MRT School Supplies


Each year at the beginning of the school year for Maurice River Township Elementary School, a list is generated by the school. It gives the parents the back to school supplies list for each teacher. This is a hardship for some parents who lack the funds for purchasing these items. Our United Methodist Women have taken on this outreach to help as we can. We purchase items to make a number of back to school kits for each teachers' classroom. The Sunday School students than help to put the kits together and we send them to the school to help those students in need.


This year at our VBS camp called: "ROAR", we will also  be collecting items for the beginning of school for this outreach mission.



H.O.P.E. is a support group serving widowed men and women of all ages. Here at Port Elizabeth United Methodist Church is the meeting place for the Port Elizabeth Chapter. We meet on Tuesdays at Port Elizabeth John Boggs Hall from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. For more information on the Port Elizabeth Chapter call Elaine Rankin at 856-327-5849.


No matter where you are, if you have lost your spouse, please don’t wait. Be kind to yourself. Let us help you carry your heavy load. Please phone H.O.P.E. at (856) 234-2200 or (888) 920-2201, or email, and our website is



May 18, 2019

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It never snows in Zambia. Lovely temperatures all year long at the Kafakumba Pastors’ School in the Congo of Africa. Nathan Steury missionary, with the United Methodists Church Advance Special #11438A , who was raised in Kenya by his missionary parents and married Elinda Enright, also born and raised in Africa by her missionary family. Elinda’s parents, Lorraine and Ken Enright as missionaries, founded the Pastors’ School over 50 years ago.


Nate is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, who is licensed to fly airplanes. As a licensed CPA in Zambia, he works on the many enterprises of the Kafakumba Foundation. His time of sharing was based on scripture – Isaiah 43:16-21  “I am about to do a new thing.”

In the middle of the last century, Ken Enright had founded “Wings of the Morning” flying a Cessna in and out of the African bush to take ill individuals to emergency medical care. Currently, there are no airplanes being used in their ministry.


Nate’s direct involvement with the Pastors’ School is in teaching Spiritual Formation and Discipleship to those attending. The school is held each year for 4 to 6 weeks and trains pastors and offers classes for their wives and children. This can take up to eight [8] years to complete the training. It is not an academic school of theology, but provides practical applications of making disciples of Jesus Christ.


Mostly, as a missionary our prayers are needed for them and their God-driven mission. Yes, there is a financial component, but one of the far-reaching plans is for Kafakumba to become financially independent from USA churches through their marketing plans. One such enterprise that could make this so, is the sale of honey w hich they do sell in Europe. Eventually, you will be able to order direct through Amazon. If that is God’s desire. Using log ends they build these in their woodshop and give them to farmers in the area.


Supporters in the mid-West are collecting funds so they can send a truck like this to Kafakumba. It will make transport of honey easier.


Hopefully, Nate will visit us again next year. And we would love to meet his wife, Elinda, who is a Registered Nurse and has a vision for a clinic on the Kafakumba Pastors’ School acreage.

Port Elizabeth
United Methodist Church

Historic Methodist Church serving our community for 234 years.



Church address:

142 Port Elizabeth - Cumberland Rd.

Port Elizabeth, New Jersey


Mailing address: 

P.O. Box 101

Port Elizabeth, NJ 08348-0101



We will be in touch soon.

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