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Administrative Council meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from August to May.


Originally called the Official Board of the Port Elizabeth Methodist Episcopal Church, the Administrative Council was organized for transacting all business of the Church as written in the 1912 Book of Discipline. All organizations meet at Administrative Council. Here are some of the people and committees involved: The Pastor, Beautification, Cluster, Finance Committee, Hospitality, Lay Leader, Membership, Missions, Pastor Parish Relations, Sunday School, Technology, Trustees, United Methodist Women, Visitation, Worship, Youth, and other ad hoc committees. Approvals for any church activities go through the Administrative Council and decisions are made as a group.

Port Elizabeth
United Methodist Church

Historic Methodist Church serving our community for 234 years.



Church address:

142 Port Elizabeth - Cumberland Rd.

Port Elizabeth, New Jersey


Mailing address: 

P.O. Box 101

Port Elizabeth, NJ 08348-0101



We will be in touch soon.

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© 2019 Port Elizabeth United Methodist Church

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